Message from Professor Bhaskar Vira, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education
A world-class university needs high-quality, accessible teaching and learning spaces. Exceptional education facilities help us attract the very best students and academics, and they improve the experience of those using them. High quality spaces also facilitate innovative teaching practices and encourage encounters between people across all disciplines, which is vital to our academic mission.
The Programme Board for Education Space was set up by the General Board. Its purpose is to bring together colleagues in the Estates Division and Schools, Faculties and Departments to stimulate collaboration across the University. Its goal is to ensure our spaces are used creatively and efficiently and to develop and maintain an education estate that is high-performing and fit for purpose.
The Board aims to meet growing demand for education space, whilst facilitating the development of IT and AV infrastructure necessary to support new ways of teaching and learning. It supports departments that need access to better spaces by planning for new and renovated facilities and providing advice and resources to encourage more efficient use of the space we already have.
The Programme Board’s work includes gathering information about the current state of education space, engaging with and responding to School, Faculty and Departmental concerns and developing a University-wide room-booking service.
This website contains information about the Board’s work, and resources and case studies for better management of education space in the University.